• The Districtwide Educational Improvement Council 

    The Districtwide Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) is composed of professional staff, parents of District students, community members, and business representatives who act in an advisory capacity to the Board or its designee in establishing and reviewing the District's educational goals, objectives, and major Districtwide classroom instructional programs identified by the Board or its designee.


    Site-Based Decision Making Policies

    DEIC is governed by policies BQ  (LEGAL) and (LOCAL), Planning and Decision Making Process; and BQA (LEGAL), (LOCAL), and (REGULATION), Planning and Decision Making Process: District Level. These policies can be accessed at www.episd.org, under the Board of Trustees tab.

    Each elected DEIC representative is nominated by and elected from their representative grouping. DEIC is composed of the following categories of elected personnel to ensure a balance is maintained of two-thirds teaching and one-third non-teaching campus-based or District-level professional staff.

    • Elementary (Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade) classroom teachers, including at least one special education teacher.
    • Middle school (6th grade through 8th grade) classroom teachers.
    • High School (9th grade through 12th grade) classroom teachers with one teacher from each of the core subject areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
    • Secondary (6th grade through 12th grade) classroom teachers from remaining secondary subject areas.
    • Campus-based or District-level non-teaching professional staff (such as activity managers, assistant principals, at-risk coordinators, campus staff development instructional support specialists, counselors, educational diagnosticians, librarians, nurses, principals, speech/language pathologists, therapists, trainers, or District-level professionals such as facilitators or program assistants who have responsibilities at more than one campus, including, but not limited to, central office staff)
    • Parents, community members, and business representatives appointed by the superintendent.


    Term of Office

    A council year is from September through August.  Representatives shall serve staggered two-year terms and shall be limited to two consecutive terms on the DEIC.


Contact Us

  • 1100 N. Stanton St.
    6th Floor
    El Paso, TX 79902
    (915) 230-2359