• The El Paso Independent School District (EPISD) policies are available online. To access Policy Online click on the logo to the right. Policy Online (POL) is a service that the EPISD subscribes to through the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB).

  • State law provides the local school Board with the "legal power to govern and oversee the management of the public schools of the District." Policies are the backbone of any school district and they define the Board's vision for the District, the structure for accomplishing the vision, and the system of accountabilities for all who are involved in realizing the vision. Board policy directs the "footsteps" of students, parents, and staff. It also directs those of the Board itself in responding to emerging issues, clarifying its own roles and responsibilities, defining the decision-making process, and ensuring timely evaluation of programs, personnel, and activities.

    Board policy fosters stability and continuity, keeps people informed of the Board's goals and its positions on major educational issues, helps clarify Board and superintendent relations, and establishes a legal record, as well as a legal basis, for many Board actions.

    The policies are categorized into the seven sections listed below. Each individual policy can have as many as four parts (legal, local, regulation, and exhibit). Legal policies contain statements of law applicable to Texas school districts. Local policies are statements generated by our District and Board decisions. Regulations are the action steps that complement the local policy. Exhibits consist of suggested form letters, notices, and forms.

    Section A: Basic District Foundations Section B: Local Governance Section C: Business and Support Services Section D: Personnel Section E: Instruction Section F: Students Section G: Community and Governmental Relations

    EPISD's (LOCAL) policies are approved by action of the Board of Trustees and are revised as needed to reflect changes in federal or state law, Texas Education Agency guidelines, and local options. POL is generally current, however, newly adopted policy(s) won't be reflected online for approximately 30 days. Newly adopted policy(s) can be obtained by contacting the Policy Office at (915) 230-2562.

    An official copy of the District's policy manual is available for inspection in the Policy Office, Education Center Building, 6531 Boeing Drive, El Paso, Texas 79925.