What we do

  • Mesita Elementary has a school strand of gifted and talented which is a two-way dual language program. The program has grown vertically and is currently in the seventh grade at Wiggs Middle School. El Paso High School has taken the challenge and will offer the program at the high school level.

    Talented Program
    Connecting Worlds is an innovative Two-Way Dual Language Gifted and Talented Program (GT) that integrates second language acquisition and GT strategies with the goals of achieving high academic excellence and dual language proficiency in Spanish and English for all students. This model program is unique only to El Paso Independent School District, statewide and nationwide.

    The program uses a 50/50 design in which all students, Kindergarten through Middle School, receive approximately 50 percent of their instruction in Spanish and 50 percent of in English, in all subject areas. It focuses on integrated units of study reflecting current research that says a language is acquired best when it is the medium of instruction rather than the goal of instruction. The instruction in both languages is delivered by the same classroom teacher.

    The program's goals are:
    Language and literacy development in two languages; High academic achievement through a GT curriculum; Respect and appreciation of all cultures and languages.