• Suggest name for EPISD Bond new northeast middle school

    Bond 2016

    EPISD is taking school-name nominations for the new northeast middle school that is part of the 2016 EPISD Bond modernization program. 

    Applications will be accepted from to March 28 to April 18. Applicants must use the school name nomination form and submit it via email to episdbond@episd.org with the subject line “Nomination for New Northeast Middle School.” Additional documentation may be submitted along with the form.

    A school-name committee will be formed to review and rank name suggestions using EPISD Policy CW (LOCAL). The EPISD Board of Trustees will make the final decision on school names using the recommendations from the school-name committees.

    Applicants should consider the following guidelines when submitting name suggestions:

    1. A school may be named after an individual that has made exceptional contributions to public education, preferably to the District or society.
    2. The individual must represent exemplary human qualities or serve as a model of excellence for the students who will attend the school.
    3. The individual shall not be an employee at the time of consideration or selection of the name.
    4. Diversity shall be given consideration in selecting a school name.
    5. Names of geographic areas, landmarks or academic-educational functions also may be considered.

    Click here to view and download the school name nomination form.