- El Paso Independent School District
- Core Beliefs
K-8 Literacy/Biliteracy Plan
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Core Beliefs
- All teachers and administrators are literacy teacherswhoare reflective practitioners that hold themselves accountable for quality literacy and/orbiliteracyinstruction.
- Every child has a right to high quality literacy or biliteracyinstruction delivered by expertly trained teachers who are continuously growing and learning.
- Explicit instruction in language domains—listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking—provide a strong foundation for students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers.
- An engaging high-quality literacy or biliteracyclassroom has developmentally appropriate practices and resources that promote equitable student-centered instruction.
- All decisions are based on what is best for the development of our students.
- As valued partners, schools and families work collaboratively to ensure literacy or biliteracyis extended from school to the home.
- Students are valued and empowered when exposed to a variety of high interest, authentic, multicultural literature that supports literacy and biliteracy.
- Each child’s literacy or biliteracydevelopment is supported through instruction that is based on consistentformal and informal assessment.
- A quality literacy or biliteracyenvironment is enhanced by developing social and emotional competencies and cultural awareness.
- When students begin to understand how they learn, they build self-confidenceandownership over their learningand can advocate for themselves.