What we do

  • The El Paso Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD) serves students from birth to 21 years of age. The El Paso RDSPD is dedicated to serving students with hearing loss that significantly impacts the development of language and/or performance in school through a variety of programming options.


    Communication Philosophy

    The El Paso RDSPD is designed to enable each student who is deaf or hard of hearing to develop communication skills in school, home and the community using various modes based on their needs and preferences.


    • Total Communication (TC) Program
      • Signed Exact English (SEE) as the primary language of Instruction
      • American Sign Language (ASL) as support for whole language development
    • Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) Program
    • Itinerant Services (AI Itinerant) Program
    • Birth to 36 Months (Homesite) in conjunction with Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)

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  • 915-230-2841

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