Cafeteria Refunds
How do I get my child’s school lunch account refunded?
1. To request a refund, please email all information below to lunchrefund@episd.org :
· Student name
· ID#
· School attended
· Parent/Guardian name
· Address (to forward a check)
2. Please allow 1-2 weeks receive your refund.
3. If you have MySchoolBucks activated to make automatic payments, please log in to turn this feature off. This you won’t have another payment taken out of your bank account.
4. Other options:
· The remaining balance will automatically transfer to the next school year even if they attend a different school within EPISD. It will not transfer to a different district.
· You can request to transfer the balance to a sibling’s account. All we need is the student names, id#s and name of school(s).
· You can donate the remaining balance to the Angel Account at the school which helps other students pay for a meal when their account’s funds are exhausted.