Testing FAQs
All Texas school districts are required to offer state assessments this year. This includes the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) for grades 3-8 and high school End-of-Course (EOC) assessments. STAAR and EOC assessments provide important academic information regarding student academic progress towards mastery of grade-level/subject knowledge and skills. The data is also beneficial to schools, teachers, and parents to identify potential learning gaps and to inform instruction to help bridge those gaps.
All assessments must be administered on campus in a monitored setting, and El Paso ISD is committed to providing a safe testing environment for all students. This information is being provided to help answer questions parents have related to state testing.
Q. Who is required to test?
A. Students attending school in person will participate in testing. All tests must be administered on campus.
Q. Is my child receiving special education services required to test?
A. Students receiving special education services follow the same testing requirements as other students but must have documentation of STAAR online or paper test decisions and accommodations in their individual education plans.
Q. Are children in remote learning required to test?
A. No, however, it is encouraged. The data will be beneficial to schools, teachers, and parents to identify potential learning gaps and to inform instruction to help bridge those gaps.
Q. Can a student take the test from home?
A. No. All exams must be administered in a monitored setting on campus.
Q. What are the requirements for End of Course (EOC) exams?
A. Students who choose not to take EOC exams in the spring will have other make-up opportunities. Additional testing opportunities will be offered in December, May, and June each year. The EOC exam must be taken prior to graduation. However, the longer between course work and testing, the more challenging the exam becomes.
Q. Do you have to register for the exam?
A. Students attending in person do not need to register. Remote students can register for the exam here: https://tools.episd.org/tools/inline/studenttestingsurvey
Q. Will test scores count toward grade promotion?
A. The testing requirement in grades 5 & 8 reading and math tied to promotion has been waived by TEA this year. Students with special education services will have ARD meetings that address accelerated instruction and promotion or retention decisions for students at-risk of failing for the school year.