• You can make a difference!

    The El Paso Independent School District (EPISD) will continue to be an accountable entity that is fiscally responsible, efficient in its use of resources, and strives for transparency with public-facing information. Our policies formalize the expectations of personal honesty and integrity required of employees, students, and others who do business with our District.


    3 steps to submitting an online report

  • 1. What should be reported through the Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline?

  • 2. What will I need to provide when making a report?

  • 3. Can the person making the report remain anonymous?

  • 4. What happens after a Hotline report is made?

  • 5. How can a Hotline report be made?


    Do you have an issue that is not fraud, waste, or abuse?

    Suggestions, questions, or comments (that are not in the categories of fraud, waste, or abuse) can be submitted through the “Let’s Talk” customer service page. Please Note: When submitting suggestions, questions or comments through Let's Talk, you have the option to remain anonymous.

    Let's Talk button

  • Ready to begin?

    Submitting a Hotline report usually takes less than 10 minutes.
    Include as much detail as possible (refer to #2 above) because you generally should not submit a second complaint on the same incident.


    District Policies

    The Hotline is not intended to replace the existing internal reporting structure, rather it is a tool meant to supplement the mechanisms we currently have in place. Employees, parents, and community members should report concerns of waste, fraud, abuse, or unethical behavior immediately to an EPISD supervisor, administrator, the Internal Audit Department, Police Services, or the Superintendent (or designee). However, if this is not feasible, the Hotline is provided as a communication option.

    Privacy Act Statement