• Dear Parents,

    I am so very blessed to have become a Tom Lea Brave Bull in March 2023.  I am looking ahead to the 2023-2024 school year with optimism and excitement. I am thrilled to welcome our students & teachers back from their summer break and face the productive work ahead. I am looking forward to working with you and your child(ren) and am also happy to support our families.

    Tom Lea continues to be committed to providing your child(ren) with rich learning experiences.  We support each student academically, socially, and emotionally. At Tom Lea, we take pride in developing meaningful and lasting relationships with each student, parent, and community member. We believe that educating children is a team effort between school staff and families.  We are here to see our school community INSPIRED, EMPOWERED & THRIVING! 

    Frequent, transparent, and open communication continues to be a priority for us as. Our teachers and staff communicate regularly with parents through ClassDojo. A bimonthly Parent Newsletter is emailed to families. Our morning announcements are streamed live each morning on YouTube. We encourage you to connect with us on our social media platforms. 

    The school year's focus is on:

    1. School Safety & Culture
    2. Academic Excellence 
    3. Attendance
    4. Whole Child Support & Development
    5. Communication  Accountability & Family Engagement
    6. Opportunity & Access for all students

    Also, please read our Military Family Resolution and preview the resources for our military-connected families. https://www.episd.org/domain/7137

    And all in all, we want Tom Lea to be the place to be! Please know that I am here to support all of these areas of focus.


    Yours in Education, 

    Elizabeth Jo Sandoval,  Proud Principal

    Stay connected to us on our Parent Calendar.

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Elizabeth J Sandoval
  • Elizabeth Jo Sandoval, Principal


    Main No. (915)230-5450

    Fax No. (915) 821-3665