What we do

  • The Chief Academic Officer (CAO) assists the Superintendent in planning, coordinating, implementing, and evaluating the overall instructional program of the school district.  The CAO manages the offices of whole learner support and intervention along with the district’s curricular areas, including early childhood learning, elementary and secondary instruction, special education, connecting languages, career and technical education, and advanced academics. The CAO is responsible for the development of instructional programs that will improve student performance.

    Academic Services



    Jason Long, Executive Director
    College & Career Readiness Innovation
    Email jjlong@episd.org
    Office (915) 230-2335




    Tyra Harrison, Executive Director
    Whole Learner Support and Intervention
    Email tlharris@episd.org
    Office (915) 230-2328




    Veronica Reyes, Executive Director
    Specialized Learning Services
    Email vereyes@episd.org
    Office (915) 230-2715




    Guy Rosales, Executive Director
    Teaching and Learning
    Email gprosale@episd.org
    Office (915) 230-2387



  • Contact Us

    Adalberto Garcia
    Chief Academic Officer
    Email agarci2@episd.org
    Office (915) 230-2217 


    Trileina Rubio
    Senior Administrative Assistant
    Email tmrubio@episd.org
    Office (915) 230-2330