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Bright Futures Ahead: El Paso ISD students shine big with Terry Scholarships

(EL PASO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT – Jun. 6, 2024) — Among the bustling halls of high school, two remarkable students have emerged as recipients of the prestigious Terry Scholarship.

The Terry Scholarship, a beacon of hope for aspiring scholars, offers a full ride to select Texas public universities, encompassing up to eight semesters of higher education. To earn this distinguished honor, candidates must exhibit not only academic prowess, as reflected in their SAT/ACT scores, but also a profound commitment to leadership both within their school walls and throughout their community.

In the heart of this accomplishment stands Alyson Andreu, a beacon of inspiration within the graduating class of 2024 at El Paso High School. Her journey, marked by resilience and dedication, has culminated in the realization of this profound achievement. 

“Receiving the Terry Scholarship was such an unreal experience to me,” Andreu said. “When I first opened the e-mail and realized that I had been selected as a recipient out of more than 400 applicants, I couldn’t help but get emotional for how big of an accomplishment that was for me.” 

The other proud recipient is Wendy Pulido who will be graduating from Austin High School in 2024. She was stunned when she was named as a recipient. “We were supposed to find out on April 15, so I woke up really nervous that day,” Pulido said. “I was getting ready for school when I got this urge to check my e-mail. I was scared and anxious, but I kept reminding myself that everything happens for a reason and when it read, ‘Congratulations’ on the screen, I couldn’t believe it.” 

Each step of the students’ academic odyssey has been a testament to their unwavering determination and unwavering belief in the transformative power of education and now their academic journey will continue in college. 

“When I applied to the Terry Scholarship, I decided to apply to it through the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP),” Andreu said. “UTEP has always been a school I looked up to for many years of my life. I realized the groundbreaking advancements in research of neurodegenerative disease at UTEP perfectly aligned with my intended major.”  

Pulido also plans to attend UTEP where she plans on majoring in Chemistry. She had a few words of inspiration for the incoming freshman who are about to embark on the next stage of their school career. “Believe in yourself even if people doubt you and your abilities,” Pulido stated. “It is important to take risks to achieve your goals. Things won’t come to you unless you put in the effort. Do not let the fear of failure stop you.”  

Andreu echoed those sentiments and had this to share, “Take advantage of all the resources that El Paso ISD provides to its students,” Andreu said. “Focusing on one’s education, extracurricular involvement and community impact is the perfect formula to establish a foundation to an outstanding college career.” 

With the Terry Scholarship as their guiding light, both Pulido and Andreu have their sights set on a future brimming with possibility. As they prepare to embark on this new chapter of their lives, they carry the profound realization that their dreams are within reach, fueled by the boundless potential that lies within them.

Alyson Andreu Wendy Pulido