• girl power Super Digital Page

    It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a Milam Super Digital Citizen.  What is a Milam Super Digital Citizen?  That is a student who exhibits the positive characteristics of a good citizen in the digital world.  At Milam Elementary, as part of educating our students to live and work in the 21st century, we want our students to learn to use technology safely and wisely to enhance their learning experiences.  

    What does it mean to be a digital citizen?

    “Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible, with regard to technology use.” (Ribble, 2011)  Students will learn to make positive decisions within the digital world allowing them to:

    • Collaborate with others effectively and purposefully
    • Have the confidence to be creative and do great things online
    • Behave positively and respectfully

    Super Hero Boy

    Commitment to Digital Citizenship

    Everyday Milam Elementary strives to prepare all students to become successful members of a global community in a safe, challenging, and discipline environment.  Our student’s world is quickly growing beyond the walls of our classrooms to include the digital world.  To support our efforts in making Milam a school filled with Super Digital Citizens, we have partnered with Common Sense Media to become a Digital Citizenship Certified School.  We are committed to teaching our students how to use the internet responsibly, respectfully, and safely.

    Digital Citizenship Vision Statement