Dear Wiggs Parents and Students,
Welcome to Wiggs Middle School. This new school year brings the promise of a renewed dedication, focus, and energy to the mission of teaching and learning. Wiggs students are respectful, courteous, take their academics seriously, and are involved in many activities that bring recognition to the school and the community. We have a Dual language program, Connecting Languages, as well as a Dual Language GT program, Connecting Worlds. Additionally, we have a phenomenal monolingual and monolingual GT program. We have many extracurricular activities including band, orchestra, Wolverine athletics, Clubs - Chess, Art, Coding, Science, Students Council, History, Math, UIL and more. There are so many ways for students to be involved and connected. It is important that we work together to help your child find a way to be a part of more than just classes so they can enhance their experience while they are here with us. Beyond the rigors of our academic program, it is our aim to instill within each student the new five core values that our staff developed which are INTEGRITY, EXCELLENCE, EQUITY, UNITY, and DETERMINATION. The Wiggs Administration and Staff are dedicated to the well-being of your child each and every day. We will do magnificent things this school year.
My door is always open. I’m here for each of you! Welcome to the 2023-24 School Year
Erika Pasieczny, Wiggs Principal
School Mission
Every learner will be equitably educated and holistically supported by the Wiggs community.
School Vision
To be a leading middle school by inspiring and empowering learners to thrive.
Wiggs Strong
PrincipalErika Pasiecznyelpasiec@episd.orgAssistant PrincipalSally McHalffey-Disciplineseheredi@episd.org
Assistant PrincipalEduardo Gozalez-Disciplineegonzal2@episd.orgSchool Address1300 Circle Dr.El Paso, TX 79902Important NumbersPhone: 915-236-3600Discipline: 915-236-3600Fax: 915-533-2902Student Records:mruybe@episd.orgStudent Records Fax: 915-533-2902