• Microsoft Educator Academy

    Posted by Sharo Dickerson on 11/15/2023


    The El Paso Independent School District Microsoft Educator (ME) Academy aims to:

    • Encourage, recognize, and support teachers, campus staff & administrators, and district staff & leaders to become global educators;
    • Provide different learning paths based on supporting student-centered, culture-centered learning environments;
    • Use the best digital, virtual/online, and active/blended learning practices.

    Professional Learning Outcomes

    • Complete individual journey (self-paced, online courses, and virtual learning) to become a Microsoft Educator (ME).
    • Fulfill a personal learning path specific to becoming a Microsoft Advanced Educator.
    • Develop the proper documentation to fulfill the training of at least 200 teachers to obtain the Microsoft Advanced Educator badge, certificate, and recognition.
    • Create proper documentation to fulfill the training of at least 400 teachers to obtain the Microsoft Educator Trainer badge, certificate, and recognition.
    • Create, collate, and submit meaningful artifacts (if interested in achieving the MIE Expert badge), certificates, and recognition. This pathway includes:
      • Completing a self-nomination form, addressing and responding to the specific requirements indicated by Microsoft, and meeting the deadline as defined.
      • The MIE Expert will fulfill other duties relevant to maintaining such status by collaborating, communicating, and providing a variety of training sessions and professional development using Microsoft Technologies.  

    Resource Link: https://wakelet.com/wake/4BHUwyuk0U5aL_clgGJhI

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