The EPISD, Fort Bliss and the City of El Paso, have forged unique collaborative opportunities to support military families. In further support of its military dependent student population, EPISD developed the 21st Century Science Classrooms project; a reformative and transformative approach to education. The proposed 21st Century Science Classroom – Engineering Our Future project includes best practices from past DoDEA grants and reflects the evolution of the 21st Century Science Classroom projects over the years. The project improvements were driven by information obtained from the project evaluation, Project Director, and stakeholders. Lessons learned from past successes and failures resulted in improvements to successful strategies and a new focus that will take military dependent student science achievement to new levels – a focus on engineering through science. When used as a transitive verb, engineer means to lay out, construct, or manage. It also means to plan out with subtle skill and craft (1Merriam-Webster, 2013). For the EPISD, the Engineering Our Future enhancement component of the 21st Century Science Classroom project is the process of developing future engineers. It is the District's plan to help students learn engineering through science in order to strengthen their cognitive knowledge, skills, and thinking levels. The District's ultimate goal is to point the target campuses towards obtaining exemplary status.
The goals of the grant are as follows:
Goal 1: Increase student achievement in 5th grade Science.
Goal 2: Improve student achievement in engineering program at Chapin High School.
Goal 3: Increase resiliency among military students.Contract Information
Name Email Phone Number Position Francisco Duenas fduenas@episd.org 915-230-2398 Student Assistant Jessica Salazar jrsalaza@episd.org 915-230-2398 Science Coach Blanche Herrera bmherrer@episd.org 915-230-2398 Science Coach Ericka Armendariz emarmend@episd.org 915-230-2398 Project Manager DoDEA 6
To promote student achievement for military connected students receiving special education and special services (504, Dyslexia, and Special Education) in the core curricular area of reading by providing schools, middle schools, and high schools access to research based reading programs and technology. Student reading improvement will be achieved through technology support, research based reading resources, classroom support, and progress monitoring.
Contract Information
Name Email Phone Number Position Anthony Tomasheski atomashe@episd.org 915-230-2847 Director of Special Education Services
The El Paso Independent School District (EPISD) is implementing a five-year program whose purpose is to support military dependent students' social-emotional well-being. The Building Positive Learning Communities project will target 5,274 pre-kindergarten (PreK) through 12th-grade military dependent students at 26 of the District's schools.
The project is designed around two support strategies, and it has one goal - to increase the level of social and emotional supports for military dependent students. This design will help ease the challenges they face due to frequent school transitions and parental deployment.
EPISD will focus its efforts on providing support services that will aid in the reduction of military dependent student disciplinary actions. EPISD will implement a peer support/mentoring program and a behavior management program across all target campuses. This PreK-12th-grade horizontal and vertical alignment of strategies will not only ensure success at the implemented grade level but throughout the students' PreK-12th-grade years. This continuum of services creates a cohesive system aimed at helping the military dependent students deal with the issues that impede their academic success.Contract Information
Name Email Phone Number Position Ericka Armendariz emarmend@episd.org 915-230-2398 Project Manager DoDEA 8
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