Clerical Vacancies

  • Please visit Join Our Team for up-to-date information.

    Please Note:

    New process for applying for Professional/Promotional positions.
    Please read instructions below.

    Current Clerical Vacancies:

    To bid on a position, submit a letter of interest and resume along with the following form: Bid/Affidavit Form. We recommend you email to the corresponding staffing assistant address listed under each posting. Mail or school mail is not recommended.

    The following positions are promotional level positions or 221-day positions and will be filled by the best qualified applicant. Current clerical employees will be given first consideration.

    IMPORTANT: All applicants wishing to bid on these positions, employed or not employed with the district, must have passed the clerical tests (test appointments, 230-2079) before submitting a letter of interest and resume.

Clerical Vacancies

Contact Us

  • 1100 N. Stanton St.
    El Paso, TX 79902
    (915) 230-2005