Remote Learning FAQs

  • What will the first day of virtual learning look like?

    EPISD@Home will replicate the schedule your child would follow as if they were at their actual campus. They will log into Schoology and begin connecting with their teachers. Sample schedules are on the home page for your review. Your child’s actual schedule is available on Schoology.


    How do I prepare my child for virtual learning?

    Create a comfortable workspace for your child with their classroom materials nearby. Consider having them use headphones to avoid distractions. Make sure they have a copy of their schedule to follow before the school day starts and that their device is fully charged. Also, begin the regular school routine – get up, get dressed, eat breakfast and brush your teeth.


    How is EPISD@Home differ from the spring?

    Teachers have been training, preparing and researching best practices for teaching remotely since the spring. Grades will count the same as they did prior to COVID-19. As mentioned, the school day will follow their schedule as if they were on campus. Your child will experience more engagement with their teachers and peers than in the spring. It will be more like a regular school day and won’t require as much parental assistance as it may have in the spring.


    What do I do if I have multiple children doing virtual learning?

    Consider separating their learning spaces to avoid distractions. The school day will allow enough flexibility in the event that you have to help them trouble shoot tech issues or navigate classwork.


    What happens if my child is struggling or gets behind?

    Your first option is to connect with the teacher. Write down and email issues your child is experiencing. Our campuses and teachers have a strong process in place to provide intervention and support to both students and teachers. Also, Wednesdays have been designated for small group work and interventions. Keep in contact with your teacher to make sure your child is successful.


    How does attendance work?

    Your child’s attendance will be noted through three different methods: (1) by participating in a Zoom call (2) by being engaged in school work through a learning management (3) Connecting with the teacher by turning in assignments. One of these three methods must be completed by 11:59 p.m. each school day.


    I work all day and I can’t sit with my child during the day to assist them. What options do I have?

    EPISD is working with the YWCA sites offering child care. Those sites are creating learning spaces to accommodate students as they go to school virtually.

    Also, if your child stays with another care giver who cannot provide assistance, you can work with your child after regular hours. Lessons will be recorded so that they can be watched at alternate times and give parents a chance to sit down with their child and go over any school work.



    Will my child be looking at a screen for eight hours a day? That is unhealthy for children.

    The good thing about virtual learning is it has the flexibility for students to get up and move around while still engaged in learning. Students aren’t expected to be at their screen for eight hours a day. The day will again follow a traditional schedule offering breaks, lunch and PE – to allow students to get up and moving. 


    Where can we find the student's schedule or the teacher's name?

    You can find student courses in Parent Portal under the "Report Card" tab. Make sure to view "Day Period" and teacher name. Learn more here


    How do we pick up an iPad or Macbook Air for my child?

    Every student will receive a district device from the school they are enrolled in. Make sure you successfully complete registration, submit the EPISD Reopening Survey (answer the device and internet questions), and complete the PowerUp form on Parent Portal. The school will share device distribution details in a call to parents or email, you can also view information on the school web page or email the school directly for details. For example, Franklin HS here and Polk ES here.


    Why haven't I received any communication from the school or district?

    To stay updated please confirm contact information (phone number and email) on Parent Portal. Double-check messages are not in your junk or spam folders and keep an eye for phone calls. Use the school web pages as a resource and email your school for further help.


    My child’s iPad or MacBook is broken. What do I do?

    Send a text message to 915-526-6767 with your child’s name, school, student ID and the issue or problem. The number only responds to texts.