457 Deferred Compensation

  • Nothing is more powerful than starting when you’re young! But, it’s never too late to start investing for your retirement.

    EPISD's Administrator is TCG Investments. TCG Investments is the third party administrator contracted through Region 10 to provide this service. Contact TCG Investments at 1-800-943-9179.

    In accordance with EPISD Policy GKDA (Legal), the District does not endorse the solicitation of any tax deferred or other benefit plan on any campus/department. Contact the Director, Employee Benefits for more information.

    What Is a 457(b) Tax Deferred Compensation Program?

    • A 457(b) is a special type of retirement savings for government organizations
    • Employer sponsored supplemental retirement program
    • Contributions are made by salary reduction
    • Exclusively offered by TCG Investments and managed by the Region 10 457 Cooperative and Master Plan and Trust that is offered to public school districts and educational agencies throughout the state


    • Do you know much money you will need at retirement?
    • Do you have a plan on how to accumulate that amount?
    • Do you have the ability to carry out your savings plan?
    • Do you have the expertise and knowledge to review your financial future every year?


    • Will my TRS benefit meet my financial needs at retirement?
    • How can I supplement my retirement income?
    • When should I start?

    How do I start?


    • Developing a plan is the key.
    • People with a financial goal are more disciplined in saving for the future.
    • Research your options.
    • Always start with your pre-tax options and take advantage of reducing income taxes each pay-period.
    • Carry out your plan.
    • Keep your horizon in mind as you reassess your plan on an annual basis.
    • A Tax Deferred Compensation Plan is available to employees of El Paso Independent School District. EPISD has partnered with TCG Investments to offer employees an alternative way to tax defer compensation for retirement.

    Who Should Participate?

    All employees of the District should supplement his/her Teacher Retirement System Account. Careful planning for your retirement years should begin early so that your money can work for you and your financial future.

    Key Factors in Planning for Your Retirement

    • Experts are now recommending that families aim for a comprehensive retirement savings that would provide the equivalent of 90 -100% of pre-retirement income, with the increase in cost of living factor included.
    • TRS will be your safety net at retirement, but it will not cover your financial needs.
    • The average person will live 20 years or more into retirement.
    • You do not need a lot of money to save money. Small amounts of money over time will add up.

    TCG Investments provides low–cost, high–value services to 457(b) tax–deferred savings plans to make saving for your future as inexpensive and convenient as possible.

    Do you know how much you can reduce your taxable income and also compound your retirement savings?

  • Save More and Take Home More!

    All contributions are deducted from your paycheck before income taxes are withheld.  For the tax year in which you contribute, your income may fall in a lower tax bracket, resulting in lower taxes paid to the IRS.  Contributions grow tax-free and any earnings are also tax deferred until they are withdrawn.  You will usually be in a lower tax bracket at retirement.

    How To Get Started With The 457 Deferred Compensation Plan?

    • Call TCG Investments toll free at 1-800-943-9179.
    • Remember you have various investment options.
    • Enroll for the voluntary 457 Plan with a mandatory minimum of 3% up to the IRS Annual Maximum.
    • There are other contributions available under special circumstances.
    • Catch-Up >50 Provision allows you to contribute an additional $6,000 if you are over the age of 50.

    After You Have Started

    Ensure the proper deduction is taken from your paycheck

    Review your quarterly statements provided by TCG Investments to ensure credit for all contributions.

    Cancellation of any contributions not yet deducted must be requested through TCG Investments 1-800-943-9179.

    For further information on the 457 Deferred Compensation Program, you may also contact Carol Figueroa at 512-600-5236 or cfigueroa@tcgservices.com.

457 Important Information